What was the value of 8880 pesos of gold, and 362 marcs of silver received in Cajamarca ? And what is a maravedi?
What was the value of 8880 pesos of gold, and 362 marcs of silver received in Cajamarca? And what is a maravedi? This article provides some of the answers.
Currencies :
Maravedi : The maravedi is the monetary unit of the Spain of the 16th century.
Real : The Real is a currency of money 0.6 gr and is equivalent to 34 maravedis.
Ducat : The Ducat is a currency of gold 23 carats of equivalent 11 reales and 1 Ecu
Ecu : the Portuguese escudo is a currency of gold 22 carats, equivalent to 350 maravedis.
Peso : the peso represents 4.55 gru.
Ounce : The ounce is equivalent to 28.8 gr.
Pound : The pound is of 460 gr
Arrobe : The arrobe is 25 pounds ( 11.5 kg.)
Quintal : The quintal represents 4 arrobes, or 46 kg.
Peso of gold : 4,55 gr of gold.
Ounce of silver : The ounce of silver is equivalent to 28,8 gr of silver.
Marc of silver : The marc of silver represents 8 ounces, either 230,4 gr of silver.
Pound of silver : The pound of silver represents 16 ounces or 2 marcs, or 460,8 gr.
Inch : The inch is the twelfth of the foot, or 2.33 cm approximately.
Step : The step is 21,5 cm.
Foot : The foot is 28 cm.
Vara : The Vara is the equivalent of 3 feet, or 83.6 cm
Estado : The Estado is roughly the size of a man of that time, 1,58 m.
League : The League is the distance that a man can browse in 1 hour, either 5.57 km.
As well, a man on horseback who have collected 8 880 pesos of gold and 362 marcs of silver in the distribution of the ransom of Atahualpa, had therefore received 40 kilogs and 400 grams of gold and 83 kilogs and 404 grams of silver. Francisco Pizarro had for its part, 57 220 pesos of gold and 2 350 marcs of money, more than 260 kg of gold and more than 540 kg of silver. The total was more than 6 tons of gold and of nearly 12 tons of silver. The quantities of gold and silver spread after the taking of Cusco, are almost the same.